Plan of Study

Plan of Study

Organization of the study plan

The study plan is organized so that the number of credit hours required to obtain a bachelor’s degree is (138) hours, one hundred and thirty-eight credit hours.

According to the study plan, the number of credit hours required for graduation is distributed between the requirements of general academic learning, the requirements of the humanities and social sciences, the requirements of natural and applied sciences, the common requirements of the faculty, the requirements of the major, specialization streams and free choice. It is also a requirement for graduation to pass the English language proficiency examination determined by the faculty’s Department of Languages.


The authority of determining the majors and streams of the Faculty

The Academy’s Scientific Council, after taking the opinion of the scientific department councils, determines the specializations and courses offered by the Faculty in the main center in Cairo and in the branches each year, according to the available capabilities and the desires of the specialization shown by the students.


Approval of  the contents and study plans for the different curricula

The Faculty Board, based on the proposal of the councils of the specialized scientific departments, approves the contents and study plans for the different curricula.


Student's academic record

All courses studied by the student and their grades are recorded in his/her academic transcript and are included in the calculation of his/her GPA and CGPA.

Upon the proposal of the academic advisor, the student may be allowed, after completing all the credit hours necessary for graduation in his/her specialization, to register in a number of additional courses, with a maximum of three academic courses to improve his CGPA.



Determining the student's academic level

The academic level of the student in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences is determined by the number of credit hours he/she has successfully completed according to the following table:




Successful Credit hours


1 - 33


34 - 68


69 - 105


106 - 138







Change of majors

First:  Students are distributed among the available majors of the Faculty according to the established rules, taking into account that the minimum number for opening any major is 10 students. The scientific department sets the maximum number required for each major and the admission criteria, provided that they are approved by the Faculty Board.

Non-final level students may change the Faculty major within the limits of the vacant seats. Requests to change the major are submitted to the Faculty Dean during the last two weeks of the semester, provided that the request to change major is decided upon within a maximum period of the end of the first week of the following semester. The student shall not change his Faculty major college more than once during the period of his study

Second: The Academy Council sets the organizational policies and procedures according to which the Faculty major is changed after taking the opinion of the Faculty Board and a decision about this is issued by the Academy President.




Accreditation of Results


First:       the Faculty Board approves the results of the semester exams and the exam results are not announced unless the student pays the tuition fees and any additional fees.

Second:  The Academy’s Scientific Council approves the proposal to grant a bachelor’s degree in the various majors offered by the Faculty. After the results’ approval by the Faculty Board, the Faculty issues temporary certificates to its graduates until the issuance of official certificates approved by the Academy Council.

Third:     The scientific departments study the results of the subjects presented by the department and submit a report to the Faculty Board to take the necessary action.